Chain of Title, Sandborn Insurance Maps, and local files pieced together can paint the historic story of your building.
Video credit to Donna Weaver
Learn how the chain of title can be used to collect names and dates for your historic building. This video provides specific and local resources for your research, including Sandborn Insurance Maps,, local family files, digital newspaper archives, obituary files, and more. Other public resources discussed are documents including grave records, obituaries, news articles, wills, death certificates, marriage certificates, and more.
If you own a historic building, you may be subject to guidance by a local Historic Board of Review. Learn how to leverage this historical data and manage the inevitable change in your historic structure with the assistance of your local Historic Preservationist and Historic Board of Review.
Contact information and further resources can be found through the links below:
A special thank you to Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds (Molly O'Connor) Madison Public Library Historian (Camille Fife) and the City of Madison Planning, Preservation, and Design, Historic Preservationist (Brooke Peach) Madison Main Street Program Design Committee Chair (Happy Smith)
Madison Main Street Program
Austin Sims
Executive Director, 812-274-0385