Madison Main Street and historic restoration expert Ron Goad teach Madison locals how to use Abatron Wood Epox to restore rotten windows.

Window Restoration Workshop Participants.
So your historic windows are in need of repair?
Madison Main Street (MMSP) has you covered! Thanks to a recent grant awarded from the Historic Preservation Education Grant powered by Indiana Humanities and Indiana Landmarks, MMSP was able to host this free workshop. Business and building owners frequently ask for resources to preserve and repair their historic windows. It is MMSP's goal to provide a hands-on experience and training opportunity for these building owners to gain experience. Some repairs and updates can seem daunting to a newcomer, but with the help of a simple workshop like this, we can educate and inform building owners on how to take on window restoration themselves or become more informed consumers when communicating with contractors.
MMSP Board Member and Design Committee Chair, Happy Smith, coordinated the workshop with the guidance of Ron Goad, a historic restoration expert from the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites, and volunteer preservationist, Owen McCall. Continue reading below to learn more about the workshop and how you too can restore your windows. Madison Main Street staff and volunteers are not sponsored or endorsed by these products.
What is Abatron WoodEpox?

Abatron is the WoodEpox repair brand and system used for this demonstration. This product, combined with other preparation, is a preservationist-approved method to fill and restore windows. This product is flexible and paintable.

How do I get started?
Assess the extent of damage to your wooden windows. Scrape or lightly brush loose debris from the area in need of repairs. A clean and dry surface will help with the lifetime of the window and the adherence of the Wood Epox. Windows that you plan to use this method on must be bone dry and have time dry and cure after the application.

How do I prime the window for Wood Epox?
After the manufacturer recommended ratio is combined, apply LiquidWood in a thin layer to the area needing repair. LiquidWood will penetrate and be absorbed by the wood window. This product can restore strength to the wood window, decorative decal, or framework.

What's next?
After adding the liquid WoodEpox, let it soak in fully. Next, mix up the solid WoodEpox as instructed and press it into the frame where wood is missing. Forms can be used to help form the WoodEpox to the shape of your window. After 24 hours you can sand your window. WoodEpox performs like wood: it sands well and can be painted just like wood. WoodEpox is far superior in historic applications to Bondo-type products, which are intended for use on metal.

What can be done after applying the WoodEpox?
After generously applying the WoodEpox, it will need time to harden and cure. Follow the manufacturer's recommendation for this timeframe. Once it has hardened in place, you can sand, prime, and repaint your window. This method can be repeated if more WoodEpox is needed to keep the frame of the window proud and square.
Congratulations! You have just restored your first window!
This workshop was one of more to come with the Madison Main Street Program. Keep in mind, that the Abatron WoodEpox method may not be the solution for all window restoration projects. Consult with local restoration experts and historians when considering using WoodEpox or LiquidNails.
Madison Main Street staff and volunteers are not sponsored or endorsed by these products. It is recommended to follow instructions provided by the manufacturer along with necessary safety protocols. Madison Main Street recommends consulting a historic preservationist when conducting extensive work on your historic building.
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Madison Main Street Program
Austin Sims
Executive Director, 812-274-0385