At Madison Main Street, we believe that community is at the heart of everything we do. This FAQ page is designed to provide you with insights into our nonprofit's vision, mission, strategies, and the unique ways we contribute to making Madison an extraordinary place to live, work, and thrive. Whether you're a resident, a visitor, or someone interested in getting involved, we invite you to explore the answers to your questions and discover what makes Madison Main Street truly special!
Madison Main Street is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization designated by Indiana Main Street and accredited by the National Main Street Center. Madison is one of more than 1,200 Main Street communities across the country with the common goal of preserving America’s historic downtown as economically vital centers of the community. Your contribution means more than you realize!
Does the Madison Main Street Program require membership dues?
No! Madison Main Street Program (“MMSP”) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization but is not a membership organization. MMSP does depend on donations to cover its annual operating budget.
Is the Madison Main Street Program only focused on businesses on Main Street?
No. The Madison Main Street Program supports the success of all types of businesses throughout the historic downtown commercial district.
Why is my donation to Madison Main Street Program important?
Your donation helps ensure that the Madison Main Street Program can meet its operating budget and deliver all its programs and events. The number of donors to MMSP is a measure of the program’s success and sustainability. Many organizations that we ask for funding consider the number of donors in evaluating our application.
What funds the Madison Main Street annual budget?
Madison Main Street's Program’s annual operating budget is met by sponsorships, donations, fundraising events, ticket sales, funding from the City of Madison, grants, and some funding from other governmental entities.
Is the Madison Main Street Program a stand-alone organization?
Yes. The Madison Main Street Program is part of a nationwide network and is accredited by Indiana Main Street and Main Street America. The Madison Main Street Program and its 5 standing committees work closely with its independent community partners including the City of Madison, Visit Madison Inc., the Madison Area Arts Alliance, Friends of the Ohio Theatre, and the Madison Area Chamber of Commerce to help downtown Madison thrive.
What is the difference between my donation and a sponsorship?
Donations made to the Madison Main Street Program into its General Fund. These donations cover operating expenses ranging from salaries and rent to training and even event expenses that are not covered by sponsorships or ticket sales. Sponsorships are associated with specific events or programs and offer the sponsor certain benefits and visibility. Sponsorship packages are in a set amount ranging from $250. To $5,000.
There are so many events in Madison. Which ones are run by the Madison Main Street Program?
Madison Farmers Market, Girls Weekend, Music in the Park, Loft Tour, Holiday Open House, Fall Window Display Contest, and Annual Gala & Cake Auction. The program also offers one-time workshops and events.
Madison Main Street is a team of residents, business owners, property owners, and civic leaders working together to ensure that downtown Madison is a vibrant place to live, work, shop, dine, visit, and play. Madison’s Main Street commercial district is a vibrant community where people of all ages and lifestyles are choosing to live. History and heritage are revered, culture and the arts celebrated, historic preservation is a community commitment, and the National Historic Landmark District is a source of local pride.
Main Street America leads a movement committed to strengthening communities through preservation-based economic development in older and historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. For more than 40 years, Main Street America has provided a practical, adaptable, and impactful framework for community-driven, comprehensive revitalization through the Main Street Approach™. Our network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.